
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Remembering my first scientific article

March 16, 2012.
It's 6:12 am, and while I make a list of about 15 references for an assignment I'm laughing remembering the first scientific article I had to read and summarize. It was on my first year of my baccalaureate in the Introduction to Biomedical Sciences class.  I remember that when they explained that part of the assignment I didn't even know what a scientific article was! The professor made us chose from several articles and I didn't have a clue of what I was doing. When I came to do the reference list it was a disaster! All those weird names and little numbers on the top of the names.....I had no idea where they came from!

It has already been 5 years, and I have already lost count of all of the scientific articles I have read, summarized and analyzed.  From hating them to death, in some point at the end of my BS I started to like them, and I even started searching in data bases for fun (yes, that worried me a little haha). But today, I want to thank my past professors, particularly the one from the Introduction to Biomedical Sciences class for introducing me to my first scientific article. 

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