
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Level II Fieldwork update

So I'm about to finish my first fieldwork rotation and I wanted to let you know that my plan (the one I talked about in my last post) didn't work. Since other therapists gave treatment to patients over the weekend, most of my treatment plans were already done by Monday! So you can imagine that I felt pretty frustrated. But the good news is that things got better with time. As I got more experience with different patients with similar conditions, I got better at figuring out what to do with them in sessions. I also got much better at my time management and documentation skills.

The only thing that stills pretty difficult to me is doing transfers with patients. I'm 5'1" tall and weigh less than 100 pounds, so moderate assistance for transfers feels like total assistance to me! This is the only barrier I have to be able to work in the future in this environment (Impatient Rehab Hospital, that I have learned to love over these two months). Lets see how it goes on my next rotations!